wtorek, 24 kwietnia 2012

Nearest NASA mission.

Right after NASA withdrew from the service space shuttles, they have also provided information about future missions, which can improve our knowledge about outer space and physics that rule it.

Disturbance Reduction System

An artist's concept art about DRS (Disturbance Reduction System)
 Let's see what information about this mission NASA site provides.

"The Disturbance Reduction System, or DRS, designed as part of the Space Technology 7 project, is an experimental system for measuring gravitational waves in space, which are thought to contain important data about the history of the universe. The system will be incorporated into the European Space Agency's LISA Pathfinder spacecraft, launching in 2014 to test key technology for a future ESA/NASA Laser Interferometer Space Antenna mission."

The humanity provide us with another tool to understand surrounding us universe. Gravitation is quite a mystery for our kind, people want to know everything about it, this knowledge help us with other projects.

Credit for Courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech

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